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Power Gauge Report Pdf

 Power Gauge Report Pdf

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Hey, what's going on, everybody? It's Peter England, the Stock D Teaser, and today In this blog we're going to be looking at the Power Gauge Report by Mark Chaikin. In this review, we're going to be investigating Mark to see if he's legitimate. We'll be looking for any red flags, and then we'll cover what you get with the Power Gauge Report. So make sure to watch this video all the way through, and all your questions will be answered.

Before we get into that, I just want to show you my favorite place to get stock picks. My favorite place to get stock picks is Motley Fool Stock Advisor. This is one of the most reputable and respected investing newsletters out there. It's been around for 20 years, and in that time, it's beaten the market by three times. A ten thousand dollar investment would be worth over three hundred thousand dollars if you had invested in the beginning of the newsletter. There's gonna be a link under this video in the description that takes you to Stock Advisor in case you want to check it out. That link will give you the best deal possible for Stock Advisor.

Okay, so I just got done writing my Power Gauge Report review on my website, so I'm just going to be using this as a point of reference as I review this product. Overall, I give this a three out of five, and this is what I had to say to summarize it. There's a lot to like about Power Gauge Report. Now, Mark Chaikin is a legit investor and has loads of experience. His products are used by bigwigs on Wall Street, and the price isn't bad either. But, once you buy, the upsells are going to be insane. Some of the products they promote will cost thousands of dollars and run by scammers. Dealing with all this is very frustrating.

So now, I'm just going to go through and prove my summary. The first thing you need to know about Chaikin Analytics is it is not independent. It is owned by a massive company called Marketwise. Marketwise is actually a publicly traded company, I think the stock's three dollars. They have many different investing publishers under their umbrella. They have popular ones like Brownstone Research, Empire Financial Research, Investor Place, Stansberry, Palm Beach Research Group, and the reason this is a problem is this company really, really, really aggressively markets to people that have already bought their product. So what typically happens is a cheap product is put out by one of those publishers. In this case, the cheap product is the Power Gauge Report, and that's just meant to get you into the sales funnel. Because Marketwise is a publicly traded company, you can look at their revenue. They earned 128 million dollars just in the last quarter, so they're likely going to make 500 million dollars this year in revenue. They're not getting that from selling 199 subscriptions. They're getting that by selling thousands of dollar subscriptions, products that cost five thousand a year, three thousand a year, ten thousand dollars a year. And they get those subscriptions, they get people to buy those by getting people to buy the cheap product and then they very aggressively sell the upsells. I personally believe they do it in manipulative ways. They'll try to scare you, they'll try to use fear tactics, they'll over-hype investment ideas. So you have to realize once you enter a Marketwise sales funnel, it never stops. Every single day, multiple times a day, you're going to be promoted different products from Chaikin Analytics and other places.

Scammers and Problematic Figures

   - Mention of scammers under Marketwise's umbrella

Now, this is a problem because there are many people under Marketwise that are scammers. For example, Palm Research Group is run by a guy named Teeka Tiwari. Now, I've covered Teeka Tiwari many times on my website and on YouTube. He is like a lifelong scammer, a lifelong scoundrel. He is banned from ever selling or buying stocks on behalf of customers or working for a company that does that permanently. If you go to finra.org, this is the company, the group that gives out licenses for stockbrokers. They can take licenses away, they can find people. It's very rare that they ban somebody for life from a brokerage, and that's exactly what they did. He was selling scam securities, and he got caught and then got banned from Wall Street. But all these companies he worked for, like a lot of them have been raided by the FBI, their owners are in jail, fined millions of dollars. Two of them have also been banned by FINRA from ever operating ever again. So if you were to buy the Power Gauge Report, you're going to be marketed Teeka's products all the time. They're going to call him this trusted expert, it's ridiculous. Additionally, Lewis Navellier runs Investor Place. So if you were to go to premium services, he's the first guy they sell here. He's the main face of this place, he's the one running it. He was fined two years ago 30 million dollars for defrauding investors. So he gave fake information about a company to get them to buy the stock. So these people are like the worst of the worst.

Mark Chaikin's Legitimacy and Tools

Now, as you'll see in the next section, I like Mark Chaikin. He's a legitimate guy, but you're not just going to be dealing with him once you join the sales funnel, and that's the problem with Chaikin not being independent. If they're independent, I'd recommend this product because you'd only be dealing with Mark, you'd only be dealing with Mark's people, you'd be dealing with his tools. But I don't know, once you get into the Marketwise sales funnel, you're going to be getting crazy products marketed to you that are thousands of dollars, run by scammers, and then just recommend horrible investment ideas like Teeka Tiwari recommends private placements and like microcap cryptos that can lose 100 overnight. So I don't know if you're going to buy the Power Gauge Report, use a burner email account so you don't get, so you don't ruin your email account. You're going to get like dozens of emails every day, and don't fall for the upsells. Just stick with this one product, and this is the best product that Mark Chaikin has to offer. Usually with these publishers, the cheapest products are the best. So you have to have discipline and not buy the upsells if you're going to buy the Power Gauge Report.

Okay, let's cover Mark Chaikin now. I actually like Mark Chaikin. If you were to go through my videos or read my reviews about stock pickers, I'm usually very tough on stock pickers. I look for any red flag that I can find because a lot of these people, like I showed you in the last section, like Teeka and Lewis, a lot of them are just like horrible people. Mark's not that, though. He actually has a long history on Wall Street. He's not some guy that just worked one or two years and then just switched to stock picking. He worked in this investing world for 40 years, and his tools are very well-known. He's been making proprietary tools and economic and market indicators since the '80s. Reuters, which is a huge company worth billions of dollars, they bought his workstations. He created the first real-time indicators for portfolio managers. So these products and tools are legitimate because they're being used on Wall Street, they're being used by some of the biggest firms in existence, so they're not, you know, these people aren't messing around with stupid indicators that don't work.

And then in 2011, Mark launched Chaikin Analytics to give retail investors an opportunity to try his tools. His main tool is a stock screener. Basically, it uses 20 different factors to rate a stock, and it will rate a stock very bullish, bullish, neutral, bearish, or very bearish. So say you want to invest in, like, Amazon, you type in Amazon, and then it uses the 20 factors to determine whether or not it's a good time to buy it. And again, these are tools that are used on Wall Street, so they're legitimate.

Next up, we're just going to cover what the Power Gauge Report is offering. A typical newsletter, this is what every newsletter is offering. So anytime you see, not even just Marketwise publishers but any investing product, it's just going to basically recommend this stuff.

Summary of Power Gauge Report Review

You have the monthly issues of the Power Gauge Report, so once a month, you're going to get a newsletter that has a new investment idea in it and why Mark and his team like it. You have the model portfolio, so there'll be about two dozen open positions in the portfolio that you can invest in right away. Each one will come with information on how much to buy, how much to allocate in your portfolio, and what price to sell at. You get updates, so you don't have to wait just once a month for the newsletter. If something happens to a stock you need to buy or sell right away, you'll get an alert to do so. You get the Power Pull System. This is the tool that rates the 4,000 stocks available, so you get the very bullish to very bearish ratings. And then you get Mark's warnings and predictions. He claims he's predicted most of the major market events that have happened over the last 20 years, so you'll get updates on his idea of the trends that are unfolding in the market as a whole and what's going to happen in the future.

Finally, we're just going to cover some frequently asked questions about the Power Gauge Report. How much does it cost? $199. Typically, with Marketwise publishers and just like these very aggressive publishers that want to get you on the upsells, the product costs $49, so this is actually a little more expensive than usual. I will say, though, that the Power Gauge Report is probably better than most of these other publishers. Their first newsletter, but you have to keep in mind that this is a bait product to get you in the sales funnel. You're not just buying one product and going to be left alone; they're going to target you and try to milk you for every dollar. So again, if you're buying the Power Gauge Report, stick with the Power Gauge Report.

Is there a refund policy?

 Yes, 30 days to get your money back. That's not enough to see if the stock picks will be good, but it's enough to see if you like the way the service is, how you get the newsletters, and all that stuff. Another thing to keep in mind, this is another sneaky little thing Marketwise and these types of publishers do. They only offer a refund policy on their cheap products. So if you were to fall for one of the expensive upsells, you will not be getting your money back. The best you'll get is a credit refund, so you'll be able to use that money to buy another Marketwise product. You're not getting your money back, so keep that in mind. That's another reason why you don't fall for the upsells. Is Mark Chaikin legit? Yes, we covered why. 40 years and his tools are used by some of the best.

Are there similar newsletters? Yes, it's just a list of newsletters that I've reviewed in the past that are similar to the Power Gauge Report.

So overall, I think the Power Gauge Report is a good newsletter if you have the discipline not to buy the upsells and if you're just smart enough to use a different email address than your main one to buy it. I would enthusiastically recommend this newsletter if it wasn't Marketwise. I don't like Marketwise, I don't like a lot of people at Marketwise. Tikka, Louis Navellier, a lot of other people, I don't like. They probably sell hundreds of newsletters, they're going to be selling, you know, ten newsletters each, so there's going to be hundreds of newsletters they're going to be selling to you, and each stock picker at this place has ten different sales presentations that they're sending around. So it literally will be like five or six emails a day. You know, that's up to you if you want to deal with that. And again, if you are going to buy, just use a different email account, and you should be all right.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Again, if you're looking for the best place to get stock picks, I would check out Motley Fool Stock Advisor. This is by far the best investing newsletter on the market. It's my favorite. It's got over 1 million subscribers, and it's been around for 20 years, and in that time, it's beaten the market by three times. So there's going to be a link under this video to Stock Advisor so you can check it out. If you have any questions about this video or anything you've seen here, just leave a comment below, and I'll make sure to answer. If you like this video, I just ask that you like and subscribe. Thank you for watching this video all the way through. I hope you have a good day.
