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Custom Happy Birthday Greeting Request

Are you tired of sending the same old boring birthday cards to your loved ones? Do you want to make their special day even more memorable and unique? Look no further! Our custom greeting cards with a personalized song are the perfect way to show your loved ones that you care.

For just $5 OR 300, you can request me a custom greeting card with a personalized song or with happy birthday song with first name of birthday boy or girl that's written just for the recipient. All you have to do is mail me wisher photo or video and PayPal me 5$, Your custom greeting will be ready in 15-30 minutes. If you are senior citizen i will try do it for free. or contact me on WhatsApp

Once your custom greeting card is ready, we'll send it directly to the recipient's email inbox or WhatsApp. They can listen to the song and read your message whenever they want, and they'll have a keepsake that they can treasure for years to come.

So why settle for a generic birthday card when you can send a personalized one with a song for just $5?

Have A Look Of Our Client Custom Greeting Video.

Or AGE WISE Greetings with song